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Covenant of Words

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He gave His own Son as a ransom for us, the holy One for transgressors, the blameless One for the wicked, the righteous One for the unrighteous, the incorruptible One for the corruptible, the immortal One for those who are mortal. For what other thing was capable of covering our sins than His righteousness? By what other one was it possible that we, the wicked and ungodly, could be justified, than by the only Son of God? O sweet exchange! O unsearchable operation! O benefits surpassing all expectation! That the wickedness of many should be hid in a single righteous One, and that the righteousness of One should justify many transgressors!

The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus

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List of Departures from the Reformed Tradition

I have decided that the best way to organize this post for the purpose for which I have intended it is to, first of all, list out every...

John Davenant on Infallible Congruent Merit

I was, once again, going through Davenant's Treatise on Justification and came across the following section in chapter LXIV that I...

Miscellaneous Questions

The intent of this post is to address certain questions that are either often posed to me or which I desire to address but have no...

Samuel Petto on Merit

I just had the opportunity to read through Richard Power's ThM thesis on Samuel Petto's The Difference Between the Old and New Covenant...

Review of Perkins "Righteous by Design" Chapter 6

CHAPTER SIX   Nonetheless, Westminster Shorter Catechism 1 best captures how we ought to conceive our fundamental reason for existing:...

Review of Perkins "Righteous by Design" Chapter 5

CHAPTER FIVE Although this book favors one trajectory within the Reformed tradition, diversity exists among our theologians. John Calvin...

Review of Perkins "Righteous by Design" Chapter 4

Chapter 4 In Thomas' own view, the donum superadditum was conceptually distinct from human nature but infused by God with creation when...

Samuel Rutherford's Ethical Methodology

I wish to issue a correction: I quote Twisse and explain that, for Twisse and Rutherford, while the will is formally what makes something...

Review of Perkins "Righteous by Design" Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The Reformed hold that God, by creating Adam in the divine image, gave the gift of original righteousness to humanity so that...

Review of Perkins "Righteous by Design" Chapter 2

The second chapter of the book is the best chapter as it features less of Perkins’s own theorizing. It still has issues, for sure, but...

Review of Perkins "Righteous by Design" Chapter 1

Before I begin this review, I felt it necessary to preface it with something of a disclaimer I hope readers will keep in mind as they...

On Principles, Prudence, Particularism, and Politics

I recently published an article  with American Reformer, arguing that Baptists need not, in principle, reject the establishment of their...

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